Who We Are

Our Story

Who We Are

Care Co-operative Savings & Credit Society Limited hereinafter referred to as “CareCoop” is a leading Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO) that has been operating in Zambia since 1996 under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

CareCoop started off as a small Cooperative through in-house savings contributions from employees of Care International. In its early years of inception, membership was only drawn from among the employees of Care International before it opened up to other interested Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) in the later years. Over the years, CareCoop evolved and eventually began to draw its membership from other organisations outside NGOs termed “Associate Members”. CareCoop has grown from an initial 50 members in 1996 and now boasts of over 7,500 members.

For over 25 years, CareCoop has continued to be the pioneer SACCO in the provision of superior financial solutions that meet its diverse customer base. Currently supervised by the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprise Development and operating under the Co-operative Act of 1998, CareCoop has remained one of the largest SACCOs in the country.

CareCoop offers affordable financial services and products to its members with its main objective being to encourage Savings from its members and advance them with loans for development and any emergencies. There are various loan products with varying pricing and tenors to offer our members various options that meet their financial needs. 

CareCoop has one location with its offices located at House No. 8 Makani Road, Off Central Street, Jesmondine.

CareCoop at a Glance as at 2023

Track our phenomenal growth

Network of 112 Member Organisations Across the Country

Network of Over 7,000 Individual Members

ZMW107.05 Million Gross Loan Portfolio, an Increase of 147% in the Last Seven (7) Years

Over 97% on Time Repayments Month on Month

ZMW119.98 Million Savings Portfolio, an Increase of 134% in the Last Seven (7) Years

Some of Our Partners

Care International
University of Maryland
Plan International