A member must save for at least 1 month before applying for a loan.
You can submit your completed Emergency loan to emergencyloan@carecoop.co.zm; all other loan applications can be submitted to carecoop.loanapp@carecoop.co.zm
The application forms are available on the website under the Downloads tab.
Yes, this is needed for registration with the Credit Life policy underwritten by Hollard Life.
Yes, provided your savings meets the 20% threshold and your Net pay allows.
Yes, provided your savings meets the 20% requirement for the new loan amount applied for. You will need to fill in an offset form as you submit your refinance application.
Yes, you may offset your loan from your savings or cash deposit after the first deduction by filling in a Loan offset form and submitting to info@carecoop.co.zm. The loan offset form must be submitted before the 5th of every month to be considered for payroll amendments.
Our turn around times are as follows: